داستان آبیدیک

seriality of appearances


1 فلسفه:: زنجیره‌ی نمودها

The seriality of appearances of the photograph can be extended further if we imagine that this photograph is lodged in a glazed frame which reflects my image that I see while looking at my photograph of myself. The seriality of gazes involved in the mise-en-scène interacts with the seriality of appearances or Abschattungen in the world of the viewer: each gaze is a way of seeing, and no singular way of seeing is privileged over the other, it is an intersubjective space. The seriality of appearances of the intersubjective art object engages with the becoming of the intersubjective viewer. This tells us something important about Abschattungen: that they are a seriality of appearances that may be intersubjectively entwined with others and which we may become highly conscious of during our experience of an intersubjective art object, especially one that appears to thematise such processes.

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